Conference Presentations
– Nehemy, M., Maillet, J. Pappas C., Laroque C.P., McDonnell, J. Stable Isotopes in the Cold Critical Zone: Snowmelt Water Contributes Significantly to Tree Water Storage Refilling. Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Online. December 17, 2020.
– Pappas, C., Maillet, J., Rakowski, S., Baltzer, J.L., Barr, A.G., Black, T.A., Fatichi, S., Laroque, C.P., Matheny, A.M., Sonnentag, A. R.O., Zha, T., 2020. Above-ground tree
growth is a minor and decoupled fraction of boreal forest carbon input. European Geophysical Union: Present and future global vegetation dynamics and carbon stocks from observations and models (ID #EGU2020-8637). Online meeting May 8.
– Nehemy, M.F., Benettin, P., McDonnell, J.J., Rinaldo, A. and Laroque, C.P., 2019. Tracing plant water source: Insights from a controled lysimeter experiment. School of Environment and Sustainability Symposium, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
– Nehemy, M. F., Millar, C., Janzen, K., Gaj, M., Pratt, D. L., Laroque, C. P. and McDonnell, J.J., 2019. Triple Isotopes Analysis able to detect co-extracted organics in vapor analysis of plant isotope signatures. World Water Day 2019, Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
– Maillet, J., Laroque C.P., 2019. Building Sustainable Lifestyles: An Overview of ENVS 401 Sustainability in Action. International Association of Universities Cluster on
Sustainable Development Goal #12. Regina, SK. May 6-7.
– Laroque, C.P, Howat, B., Davis, E., and Amichev, B., 2019. Predicting future radial growth of shelterbelts across the Brown, Dark Brown, and Black soil zones of
southern Saskatchewan. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Winnipeg, MB. May 27-31.
– Person, Z., Laroque, C.P., Muir, D., and Brinkmann, M., 2019. Heavy metal calibrations in tree rings using synchrotron technologies. Annual Meeting of the Canadian
Association of Geographers. Winnipeg, MB. May 27-31.
– Lubiniecki, T., Pearson, Z., Sove, T., Skjeie, C., Laroque, C.P., Muir, D., Walker, T., and Boechler, A, 2019. The TransCanadian Research and Environmental Education (TREE) Program: Two labs, one educational goal. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Winnipeg, MB. May 27-31.
– Smith, L.A.R., Bedard-Haughn, A., and Laroque, C.P., 2019. Delineating Functional Land Management Zones in Annual and Perennial Landscapes using Drone Technology. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Winnipeg, MB. May 27-31.
– Maillet, J., Mood, B.J., and Laroque C.P., 2019. Cross-Scale Applications of Dendrochronology in Forest Carbon Research. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Winnipeg, MB. May 27-31.
– Canning, C.M., Richards, L., Fischer, F., Roth-Brown, A., Marie-Kyplain, H., Howat, B., Laroque, C.P., Walker, T., and Person, Z., 2019. Tracing Arsenic in Tree Rings. Annual
Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Winnipeg, MB. May 27-31.
– Mayrinck, R., and Laroque C.P., 2019. Dendrochronological techniques applied to retrieve tree size through time. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Winnipeg, MB. May 27-31, 2019.
– Maillet, J., Barr, A., Laroque C.P., 2018. Insights from Twenty Years of Carbon Dynamics in Boreal Aspen and Jack Pine Stands. International Geographical Union Regional Conference – Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographer – Annual Conference for the National Council for Geographic Education. Quebec, QC. August 6-10.
– Kulshreshtha, S.N., Amichev, B.Y., Laroque, C.P., Belcher, K.W., Bentham, M.J., and Van Rees, K.C.J., 2018. Farmer-oriented Management Support Toolbox for Shelterbelt Systems in Saskatchewan. AGGP workshop at the International Conference and 69th Council Meeting of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) 12-17 August, 2018, Saskatoon, SK.
– Nehemy, M.F., Millar, C., Janzen, K., Pratt, D. L., Pappas, C., Benettin, P., Laroque, C.P. and McDonnell, J.J., 2018. The Interactions Between Plant Hydrodynamics and Soil Water Sources at Controlled and Natural Environments. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA.
– Nehemy, M. F., Millar, C., Janzen, K., Gaj, M., Pratt, D. L., Laroque, C. P. and McDonnell, J.J., 2018. Assessment of isotopic composition of tree water using three different extraction methods. Savannah River Site Summer Meeting, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA.
– Stark, Beckett, Maillet, J., Laroque C.P., 2017. The Nain Event: Effects of Climate Change on Tree Growth in Nain, Labrador. University of Saskatchewan Research Assistantship Poster Competition. Saskatoon, SK. August 17, 2017.
– Stark, Beckett, Maillet, J., Laroque C.P., 2017. The Nain Event: Effects of Climate Change on Tree Growth in Nain, Labrador. One Health Leadership Experience. Saskatoon, SK. August 25- August 27, 2017.
– Bellinger, A., Clay, K., Harris, K., Magnus, A., Mcleod, C., Wheler, J., Laroque, C.P., Nehemy, M. F., Walker, T. Spilling the Arsenic Tea on Giant Mine. FYRE on the Beamlines Presentation Series at the Canadian Light Source. Saskatoon, SK. December 6, 2017.
– Beach, A., Gelineau, J., Jezowski, J., Longworth, J., Simonot, C., Stark, B., Nehemy, M. F., Walker, T., Laroque, C. P., Spruce it Up! Analysis of the Long Term Effects of Mining on Black Spruce Trees. FYRE on the Beamlines Presentation Series at the Canadian Light Source. Saskatoon, SK. December 8, 2017.
– Beach, A., Gelineau, J., Jezowski, J., Longworth, J., Simonot, C., Stark, B., Nehemy, M. F., Walker, T., Laroque, C. P., Spruce it Up! Analysis of the Long Term Effects of Mining on Black Spruce Trees. University of Saskatchewan Student’s Union Undergraduate Project Symposium. Saskatoon, SK. February 5, 2018.
– Stark, Beckett, Verbeek, I., Maillet, J., Laroque C.P., 2018. Interspecific and Topographic Tree Climatic Response: a Story from Nain, Labrador. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Edmonton, AB. March 9-10, 2018.
– Person, Z., Verbeek, I., Maillet, J., Laroque C.P., 2018. Get the lead out: Synchrotron investigations of lead in the environment of St. John’s, NL. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Edmonton, AB. March 9-10, 2018.
– Mayrinck, R., Laroque C.P., 2018. Predicting annual diameter changes through time by using annual increments: How many cores, is too many cores? Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Edmonton, AB. March 9-10, 2018.
– Howat, B., Laroque C.P., 2018. How will climate change effect the radial growth of four shelterbelt species across the brown, dark brown, and black soil zones of Saskatchewan? Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Edmonton, AB. March 9-10, 2018.
– Maillet, J., Barr, A., Laroque C.P., 2018. Multi- Scale Investigations of Boreal Carbon Allocation in Central Saskatchewan. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Edmonton, AB. March 9-10, 2018.
– Laroque C.P., Ha, T., Amichev, B.Y., 2018. Now you see them, now you don’t. Determining shelterbelt removal by remote sensing in Saskatchewan. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Edmonton, AB. March 9-10, 2018.– Stark, B., Maillet, J., Laroque, C.P. 2017. The Nain Event: Effects of Climate Change on Tree Growth in Nain, Labrador. One Health Leadership Experience. Saskatoon, SK. August 25-27, 2017.
– Stark, B., Maillet, J., Laroque, C.P. 2017. The Nain Event: Effects of Climate Change on Tree Growth in Nain, Labrador. USRA Summer Social and Poster Competition. Saskatoon, SK. August 17, 2017.
– Nehemy, M. F., Laroque, C.P. 2017. What did the water table say to the drowning tree? Peatland water table reconstruction. World Water Day 2017 – Global Institute for Water Security, Saskatoon, SK. 2017.
– Nehemy, M. F., Laroque, C.P. 2017. Tree-rings: a proxy for peatland water-table variability. CGU-CSFM National Meeting, Vancouver, BC. 2017.
– Adams, S., Berg, R., Griffeth, J., Person, P., Siemes, T., Thicke-Rattray, V., Nehemy, M. F., and Laroque, C.P. 2016. Spruce it up! Effects of the oil sands on trembling aspen and white spruce. FYRE on the Beamlines Presentation Series, Canadian Light Source, Saskatoon, December 2016.
– Steeg, R., Nykiforuk, B., Wu, Q., Xuan, O., Yang, Z., Grover, S., Knuttila, K., Howat, B., Newman, K., Nehemy, M. F., and Laroque, C.P. 2016. The Lord of the Rings: What do tree rings reveal about pollution in Saint John, New Brunswick? FYRE on the Beamlines Presentation Series, Canadian Light Source, Saskatoon, December 2016.
– Maillet, J., Johnstone, J.F., Laroque, C.P. 2016. Understanding the Climate, Radial-Growth, and Carbon Interface at BERMS. Annual General Meeting for the Changing Cold Regions Network. Guelph, ON. Nov 2-4, 2016.
– Maillet, J., Laroque, C.P. 2016. Understanding Carbon Dynamics at Three Boreal Ecosystem and Research Monitoring Sites (BERMS) in Saskatchewan. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Halifax, NS. May 30 – June 3, 2016.
– Marleau, N.R., Laroque, C.P. 2016. Comparing trembling aspen and white spruce growth near Alberta’s oil and facilities. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Halifax, NS. May 30 – June 3, 2016.
– Laroque, C.P., Cook, A., Elliott, A., Fluney, A., Nehemy, M. F., Magnus, A., Maillet, J., Patton, C., Walz, K., Woodward, J., Blyth, R., Muir, D., Walker, T., Wentzel, E. 2016. Seeing the light: A dendrochemical investigation of the “Crooked Bush” at the Canadian Light Source. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Halifax, NS. May 30 – June 3, 2016.
– Horachek, M., Johnstone, J.F., Laroque, C.P. 2016. Detecting Divergence: Severe dwarf mistletoe infection in the BPE of SK. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Halifax, NS. May 30 – June 3, 2016.
– Andrews, S.A., Laroque, C.P. 2016. Radial growth analysis in the boreal forest: Implications for Saskatchewan forest policy under future climate change scenarios. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Halifax, NS. May 30 – June 3, 2016.
– Amichev, B., Amadi, C., Bentham, M., Dhillon, G., Laroque, C.P., Farrell, R., Kulshreshtha, S., Piowar, J., and Van Rees, K. 2016. Do Shelterbelts Mitigate Greenhouse Gases?: A Saskatchewan Analysis. Joint Meeting of the Canadian Society of Soil Science and Pacific Regional Society of Soil Science, Kamloops, BC May 14-19, 2016.
– Amichev, B., Bentham, M., Kulshreshtha, S., Laroque, C.P., Piowar, J., and Van Rees, K. 2016. Shelterbelts: A row of trees or the next best thing to mitigating GHGs on Prairie Landscapes. Soils and Crops conference, Saskatoon, SK. March 15-16, 2016.
– Amichev, B., C., Bentham, M., Laroque, C.P., Kulshreshtha, S., Piowar, J., and Van Rees, K. 2015. Carbon inventory maps of planted white spruce shelterbelts in Saskatchewan, Canada. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Nov. 1-18, 2015, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
– Horachek, M., Johnstone, J.F., Laroque, C.P. 2015. Dwarf Mistletoe: Antagonist to the Trees. Annual General Meeting for the Changing Cold Regions Network, Saskatoon, SK. November 2015
– Maillet, J., Laroque, C.P. 2015. From Annual to Intra-annual: exploring the radial growth-climate relationship with high resolution data. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Vancouver, BC. June 1-6, 2015.
– Laroque, C.P., Davis, E. and Mood, B.J. 2015. Forecasting radial growth in shelterbelt trees across southern Saskatchewan. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Vancouver, BC. June 1-6.
– Maillet, J. and Laroque, C.P. 2015. From Annual to Intra-annual: exploring the radial growth-climate relationship with high resolution data. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Vancouver, BC. June 1-6.
– Maillet, J., Laroque, C.P. 2015. Watching Trees Grow: The use of intra-annual measures of radial-growth in dendroclimatological studies. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Saskatoon, SK. May 21-25, 2015.
– Horachek, M., Johnstone, J.F., Laroque, C.P. 2015. Radial growth patterns of jack pine in relation to climate, moisture availability, and dwarf mistletoe infection in the Boreal Plains Ecozone of Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE) annual meeting, Saskatoon, SK. May 2015
– Millette, V., Marleau, N., Ansdell, K., and Laroque, C.P. 2014. Basalt Composition at an old mine site in Saskatchewan: Is there a link with Soil Composition and Tree Growth? Annual Saskatchewan Geological Survey Open House, Saskatoon SK. December 1-3, 2014.
– Horachek, M., Johnstone, J.F., Laroque, C.P. 2014. Climate-growth responses of jack pine across moisture gradients at multiple scales in the southern boreal forest. Annual General Meeting for the Changing Cold Regions Network, Waterloo, ON. October 2014
– Maillet, J., Laroque, C.P., 2014. Analysis of white spruce radial growth under coastal influences in Labrador. Annual Meeting of the Western division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Victoria, BC. March 7-8, 2014.
– Robichaud, A. and Laroque, C.P., 2014. Dating « aboiteaux » with the use of dendroarchaeology: examples for Acadia. Communication orale donnée lors du Colloque sur l’archéologie historique et subaquatique de la Society for Historical Archaeology, Québec, Qc, 8-12 janvier 2014.
– Maillet, J. and Laroque, C.P., 2013. Analysis of white spruce radial growth under coastal influences in Labrador. 25th Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. October 18-20, 2013. Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB.
– Clark, M.G., Bell, T., and Laroque, C.P., 2013. A multi-linear regression model of paleoclimate ice conditions off the coast of Labrador, Canada. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. August 11-15, 2013. Department of Geography, Memorial University, August 11-15, 2013 St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Danek, M., Bell, T., Laroque, C.P., Sylvester, P., Diegor, W., and Lam, R., 2013. Tree rings as pollution archives: historical lead levels in St. John’s. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. August 11-15, 2013. Department of Geography, Memorial University, August 11-15, 2013 St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Davis, E.L, Laroque, C.P., Mood, B.J., and Van Rees, K., 2013. White spruce now and then: Determining the growth response of shelterbelt trees to climate change in the Canadian Prairies. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. August 11-15, 2013. Department of Geography, Memorial University, August 11-15, 2013 St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Laroque, C.P., Kershaw, G., and Castleden, H., 2013. Downwind of Big Bitumen: A dendrochronological assessment of atmospheric pollution effects from Athabasca bitumen mining. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. August 11-15, 2013. Department of Geography, Memorial University, August 11-15, 2013 St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Maillet, J., Jennings, C., Laroque, C.P., and Van Rees, K. 2013. Dendroclimatological study of shelterbelt trees in a moisture limited environment. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. August 11-15, 2013. Department of Geography, Memorial University, August 11-15, 2013 St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Mood, B.J., Clark, M.G., Laroque, C.P., and Van Rees, K., 2013. Determining physiological stress and growth thresholds of white spruce in southern Saskatchewan. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. August 11-15, 2013. Department of Geography, Memorial University, August 11-15, 2013 St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Myers, D., Bell, T., and Laroque, C.P., 2013. A dendrochronological investigation of historic spruce budworm cycles in balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill) in Newfoundland. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. August 11-15, 2013. Department of Geography, Memorial University, August 11-15, 2013 St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Amichev, B.Y., Bentham, M.J., Cerkowniak, D. Kort, J., Kulshreshtha, S., Laroque, C.P., Piwowar, J., and Van Rees, K. 2013. Mapping shelterbelts in Saskatchewan: A living legacy of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada PFRA Shelterbelt Centre. 13th North American Agroforestry Conference, Charlottetown, PE, June 2013.
– Mood, B.J., Clark, M.G., and Laroque, C.P. 2013. Forests of the Future? Using Mean Sensitivity as a Measure of Physiological Stress and the Future Climate-Envelope Contraction of White Spruce in Saskatchewan. Science Atlantic Biology (43nd), Aquaculture and Fisheries (23nd) and Environment (11th) Conference. Wolfville, Nova Scotia. March 15-17, 2013.
– Carter, J.D.H., Mood, B.J., Wagar, M.J., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Reading Between the Layers – The Stratigraphy near Cavell Lake. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, October 2012.
– Jennings, C., Maillet, J., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Examining growth patterns of Picea glauca and Fraxinus pennsylvanica across a latitudinal gradient. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, October 2012.
– Kershaw, G.G.L., Laroque, C.P., and Castleden, H.E. 2012. Talking to Trees: A Dendrochronology Study on Oil Sands Atmospheric Pollution in Clearwater River Dene Territory. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, October 2012.
– Laroque, C.P., Clark, G., and Dillon, J. 2012. The Ghost Glacier Gallop: A Geomorphological Race to Destruction. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, October 2012.
– Maillet, J., Jennings, C., Murray, S., Clark, G., and Laroque, C. P. 2012. Rockin’ Out With Ghost Glacier.Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, October 2012.
– Mood, B.J, and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Spacious Spruce: Spatial Patterns of Picea glauca Growth in Southern Saskatchewan. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, October 2012.
– Murray, S., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Using X-rays to Get to the Root of the Problem – Are Refinery Pollutants Stored in Tree Rings? Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, October 2012.
– Wagar, M.J., Mood, B.J., Carter, J., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Blasted Out of the Past! A Dendroglaciological Study in the Mount Edith Cavell Area. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, October 2012.
– Hogan, E.K., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Lessons for Little Loraxes: A Look at Education for Sustainable Development in the Maritimes. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2012.
– Jennings, C., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Seeking Spruce Shelter: A latitudinal transect in Eastern Saskatchewan. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2012.
– Maillet, J. and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Growth analysis of Fraxinus pennsylvanica in prairie shelterbelt systems. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2012.
– Mood, B.J., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Delineating spatial patterns of Picea glauca (Moench) Voss radial growth in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2012.
– Murray, S.G., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. The Path of Pollutants: Getting to the Root of the Problem. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2012.
– Davis, E.L., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. To plant of not to plant: assessing the fitness of commonly planted shelterbelt species under future climate scenarios. Annual Meeting: Canadian Association of Geographers, Waterloo, ON, May – June 2012.
– Kershaw, G.G.L., Castleden, H., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Canoeing the Clearwater: A dendrchonology study quantifying long-term aerial pollution downwind of the Alberta oil sands. 2012 Annual Meeting: Canadian Association of Geographers, Waterloo, ON, May – June 2012.
– Kershaw, G.G.L., Castleden, H., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Downwind of the oil sands: engaging Clearwater River Dene youth in an experimental science project. 2012 Annual Meeting: Canadian Association of Geographyers, Waterloo, ON, May – June 2012.
– Mood, B.J., Borneman, J., Bousada, G., Kewshaw, G.G.L., and Laroque, C.P. 2012. Volume loss of the Saskatchewan Glacier: Glacier-temperature dynamics observed through raster analysis. 2012 Annual Meeting: Canadian Association of Geographers, Waterloo, ON, May – June 2012.
– Quann, S.L., Young, A.B., Laroque, C.P., Falcon-Lang, H.J., and Gibling, M.R. Dendroarchaeological evidence of coal extraction time periods, Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Nova Scotia, Canada. Annual meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Montreal, PQ, May 2012.
– Laroque, C.P., Robichaud, A., and Dillon, M. Who lobbed the lobstick? Dating the Jasper Lobstick, Jasper National Park, Alberta. Annual meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Montreal, PQ, May 2012.
– Danek, M., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Developing a regional eastern larch (Larix larcinia) chronology for the Maritimes. Annual meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Montreal, PQ, May 2012.
– Davis, E.L.,and Laroque, C.P. Determining climate variability in nine shelterbelt-tree species using tree-ring analysis. Annual meeting Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers Sackville, NB, October 2011.
– Mood, B.J., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P.Dendroarchaeological investigations at the Campbell Carriage Factory, Sackville, NB. Annual meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Montreal, PQ, May 2012.
– Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Anneaux et aboiteaux : comment se servir du bois pour Ètudier le passÈ. Annual meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Montreal, PQ, May 2012.
– Jennings, C., Robichaud, A., Erhman, J.M., and Laroque, C.P.Odes of Joy, or Sounds of Silence? How do you sample a “priceless” artifact? Annual meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Montreal, PQ, May 2012.
– Hogan, E., Davis, E., Jennings, C., Hall, S., Mood, B.J., and Laroque, C.P. A Dendroarchaeological Analysis of the Cormier House Sackville, New Brunswick. Annual meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Montreal, PQ, May 2012.
– Danek, M., Young. A.B., Laroque, C.P., and Bell, T. A preliminary dendrochronological assessment of subfossil trees from central Labrador. International Polar Year Conference, Montreal, PQ, April, 2012.
– Kershaw, G.G.L., Castleden, H., and Laroque, C.P. Communicating environmental risks of Alberta Oil Sands’ air pollution with members of the Clearwater River DenÈ First Nation. Annual meeting, American Association of Geographers, New York, NY, Feb. 2012.
– Kershaw, G.G.L., Castleden, H., Laroque, C.P. Communicating Environmental Risks of Alberta Oil Sands’ Air Pollution with Members of the Clearwater River Dené First Nation. Information Without Borders 6th Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, February 9th 2012.
– Kershaw, G.G.L., Laroque, C.P., and Castleden, H. Downwind of the oil sands: A Clearwater River dendrochronology study quantifying long-term aerial pollution in boreal Alberta and Saskatchewan. Annual meeting Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers Sackville, NB, October 2011.
– Hogan, E.K., and Laroque, C.P. Hemlock Holmes, Tree Detective: Creating an interdisciplinary educational resource based on tree rings. Annual meeting Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers Sackville, NB, October 2011.
– Jennings, C., Ehrman, J., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Fact or fiction: Changing the tune of an old violin. Annual meeting Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers Sackville, NB, October 2011.
– Davis, E.L., and Laroque, C.P. Taking shelter from Climate change: An analysis of shelterbelt species in the Canadian Prairies. Annual Meeting, Science Atlantic, Sackville, NB, March 2012.
– Hogan, E.K., and Laroque, C.P. Hemlock Holmes, Tree Detective- Exploring environmental science education with the help of tree rings. Annual Meeting, Science Atlantic, Sackville, NB, March 2012
– MacMichael, M.F., Mood, B.J., McLelland, M.A., Nelson, B.K., and Laroque, C.P. Expansion of Xanthoria elegans and Aspicila candida radial growth curves through comparitive lichenometric dating techniques at the Stutfield Glacier, Canadian Rocky Mountains. Annual Meeting, Science Atlantic, Sackville, NB, March 2012
– Mood, B., and Laroque, C.P. Accessible science: Making research outcomes available to Canadian citizens through technology. Annual meeting Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers Sackville, NB, October 2011.
– Maillet, J.,Davis, E., Laroque, C.P. Determining the Annual-shoot Elongation Parameter of Cassiope mertensiana as a Paleo-climate Proxy Indicator in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Jasper AB. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. Sackville, NB. October, 2011.
– Quann, S.L., and Laroque, C.P. Comparative analysis of spruce budworm outbreak detection methods. Annual meeting Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers Sackville, NB, October 2011.
– Davis, E.L., and Laroque, C.P. Dendrochronological analysis of nine tree species in Canadian Prairie shelterbelts. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2011.
– Hogan, E.K., and Laroque, C.P. Hemlock Holmes, Tree detective: Creating an interdisciplinary educational resource based on tree rings. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2011.
– Jennings, C., and Laroque, C.P. Odes of Joy, or Sounds of Silence? A dendrochronological investigation of an old violin. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2011.
– Mood, B., and Laroque, C.P. Aiding the shelterbelt decision making process through an internet-based program. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2011.
– Quann, S.L., and Laroque, C.P. Evaluating methods of determining spruce budworm outbreaks. Summer Undergraduate Research Fair. Mount Allison University, September 2011.
– Laroque, C.P., Ehrman, J.N., and Robichaud, A. Wood anatomy identification in dendroarchaeology: Don’t touch the wood, please. Annual meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, Calgary, AB, May-June 2011.
– Kershaw, G.G.L., and Laroque, C.P. Spatial regimes of climate/radial-growth relationships in Labrador, Canada: The case of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx). Annual meeting, American Association of Geographers, Seattle, WA, April 2011.
– Clark, M.G., Nishimura, P., Dumaresq, D., Laroque, C.P., and Bell, T. Continental patterns of tree growth as explained by synoptic forcing over the northern Atlantic and the inferred climatological patterns. Annual meeting, American Association of Geographers, Seattle, WA, April 2011.
– Laroque, C.P., Young, A.B., Bell, T., and Niles, L., 2010. The endless jigsaw puzzle: Dendrochronologically dating logs from bogs and rivers in Labrador. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. October 1-3, 2010. Department of Geography, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Bousada, G., Mood, B., Kershaw, G., and Laroque, C.P., 2010. Three-dimensional modeling of ice loss since the Little Ice Age at the Saskatchewan Glacier, Alberta, Canada. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. October 1-3, 2010. Department of Geography, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Kershaw, G.G.L.; and Laroque, C.P., 2010. Trans-Labrador radial growth-climate analysis using trembling aspen (Populus tremuloidies Michx). 22nd Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. October 1-3, 2010. Department of Geography, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Quann, S.L., Young, A.B.,Laroque, C.P., Falcon-Lang, H.J., and Gibling, M.R., 2010. Dendroarchaeological investigations of coal mine workings at the Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Nova Scotia, Canada. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. October 1-3, 2010. Department of Geography, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Daniel, A., Thomas, E., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P., 2010. Dendrochronologically dating the Jasper lobstick tree, Jasper, Alberta. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. October 1-3, 2010. Department of Geography, Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
– Trant, A., Bell, T. Hermanutz, L., Jacobs, J., Laroque, C.P., Lewis, K., Simms, A., Simms, E., Bartlett, Z., Chan, S., Cranston, B., Jameson, R., Morrison, H., Munier, A., Sutton, E., Trindade, M., Wheeler, J., 2010. A (Complicated) Story of Treeline Dynamics in the Mealy Mountains, Canada. IPY International Science Conference 2010, Oslo, Norway.
– Laroque, C.P., Young, A., Phillips, B., and Presley, M., 2010. Dendrochronological evidence for the Moffat Stick: Canadaís oldest hockey stick. Prairie Summit – Le sommet des Prairies. Joint Conference of Canadian Association of Geographers, Canadian Cartographic Association, Canadian Geomorphology Research Group, Canadian Remote Sensing Society / ConfÈrence conjointe de líAssociation canadienne des gÈographes, líAssociation canadienne de cartographie, le Groupe canadien de recherche en gÈomorphologie, la SociÈtÈ canadienne de tÈlÈdÈtection. June 1 to 5. Regina, Saskatchewan.
– White, C., Laroque, C., and Smith, D.J., 2010. A maximum density comparison of white spruce to growing season temperatures at two sites along the Labrador treeline. Prairie Summit – Le sommet des Prairies. Joint Conference of Canadian Association of Geographers, Canadian Cartographic Association, Canadian Geomorphology Research Group, Canadian Remote Sensing Society / ConfÈrence conjointe de líAssociation canadienne des gÈographes, líAssociation canadienne de cartographie, le Groupe canadien de recherche en gÈomorphologie, la SociÈtÈ canadienne de tÈlÈdÈtection. June 1 to 5. Regina, Saskatchewan.
– Robichaud, A., Young, A., Laroque, C.P., 2010. Apport de la dendroarcheologie a la documentation d’un site candidat a la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO (Grand-Pre, Nouvelle-Ecosse). Prairie Summit – Le sommet des Prairies. Joint Conference of Canadian Association of Geographers, Canadian Cartographic Association, Canadian Geomorphology Research Group, Canadian Remote Sensing Society / ConfÈrence conjointe de líAssociation canadienne des gÈographes, líAssociation canadienne de cartographie, le Groupe canadien de recherche en gÈomorphologie, la SociÈtÈ canadienne de tÈlÈdÈtection. June 1 to 5. Regina, Saskatchewan.
– Laroque, C.P., Young, A., Phillips, B.E., Ehrman, J., Karpowicz, A., and Presley, M., 2010.
Scientific Evidence: The Moffat Stick provenance. Annual General meeting of the Society for International Hockey Research. May 14-15. Brandon, Manitoba.
– Laroque, C.P., Young, A.B., and Presley, M., 2010. The Moffatt stick: Adding scientific evidence to the provenance of one of Canadaís oldest hockey sticks. Annual meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Edmonton, AB, March 2010.
– White, C.A., Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. A maximum latewood density analysis of white spruce trees from northern Labrador. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, October.
– Quann, S.K., and Laroque, C.P. 2009. Dendroarcheological investigation of Joggins Fossil Cliff mine workings. Mount Allison University Science Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, NB, September.
– White, C.A., and Laroque, C.P. 2009. X-ray density at treeline in Labrador. Mount Allison University Science Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, NB, September.
– Selig, N.E.W., Phillips, B., and Laroque, C.P., 2009. Radial growth forecasts of Tsuga canadensis, Acer saccharum, Picea glauca and Pinus strobus in the Grand River Watershed, Ontario. Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 26-30, 2009. Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario.
– Laroque, C.P., and Young, A.B., 2009. Exploring coal mine pit props at the Joggins Fossil Cliff World UNESCO heritage site. 51st Annual Meeting of the Western Division, Canadian Association of Geographers. March 5-7. Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, British Columbia.
– MacDonald, H.C, and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Dendroclimatology in Labrador using Harrimanella hypnoides. Mount Allison University, Sixth Annual Science Undergraduate Research Fair (SURF), September 13.
– Pickard, F., Laroque, C.P., and Baltzer, J., 2008. A north-south gradient analysis of radial growth for Picea mariana in Western Labrador. Mount Allison University, Sixth Annual Science Undergraduate Research Fair (SURF), September 13.
– White, C., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. X-ray density of eight softwood trees in Sussex, NB. Mount Allison University, Sixth Annual Science Undergraduate Research Fair (SURF), September 13.
– d’Entremont, N., Hoyland, J., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Enhancing dendrochronology through the use of flow cytometry. Mount Allison University, Sixth Annual Science Undergraduate Research Fair (SURF), September 13.
– Bell, T., Dumeresq, A.D., Kennedy, C., Nishimura, P.H., Trindade, M., Laroque, C.P., and Young, A.B., 2008. Tree ring studies in Labrador: Investigating spatial and temporal patterns in climatic and ecological factors influencing tree growth. International Arctic Change 2008 Conference. December 9-12, 2008. Quebec City, Quebec.
– Dumeresq, D., Laroque, C.P., and Bell, T., 2008. Radial growth sensitivity of conifer species to summer temperature in eastern Labrador. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division, Canadian Association of Geographers. October 17-18, 2008, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.
– Kennedy, C.J ., Laroque, C.P., and Bell, T., 2008. Investigating tree line in northern Labrador. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division, Canadian Association of Geographers. October 17-18, 2008, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.
– Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Acadian aboiteaux from the Maritime Provinces of Canada: a dendroarchaeological analysis. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division, Canadian Association of Geographers. October 17-18, 2008, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.
– Trindade, M., MacDonald, H., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Trees rings! Tree rings! Is there anything else!? Identifying annual growth increments in an arctic dwarf shrub. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division, Canadian Association of Geographers. October 17-18, 2008, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.
– White, C., Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J., 2008. Exploring X-ray density parameters of trees and climate in New Brunswick. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Division, Canadian Association of Geographers. October 17-18, 2008, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.
– Laroque, C.P., Nishimura, P., and Dumeresq, A.D., 2008. Radial growth response of conifers from northern to southern Labrador. AmeriDendro 2008. First American Dendrochronology Conference. June 23-27, 2008, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.
– Trindade, M., Bell, T., Laroque, C.P., and Jacobs, J., 2008. Comparative analysis of the radial growth response of four alpine treeline species in Eastern Canada. AmeriDendro 2008. First American Dendrochronology Conference. June 23-27, 2008, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia.
– Campbell, L., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Nova Scotiaís rare population of eastern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis): A radial-growth investigation. 400 Years of Discovery. 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 20-24, 2008. Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec.
– Dumaresq, D., Laroque, C.P., and Bell, T., 2008. Radial growth analysis of three conifer species in Coastal Labrador. 400 Years of Discovery. 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 20-24, 2008. Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec.
– Laroque, C.P., Nelson, T., and Smith, D.J., 2008. Detecting spatial connections within a dendrochronological network on Vancouver Island. 400 Years of Discovery. 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 20-24, 2008. Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec.
– Macdonald, H., Laroque, C.P., and Fleming, D., 2008. Dendrochemical analysis of the Sydney Steel Plant site. 400 Years of Discovery. 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 20-24, 2008. Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec.
– Nishimura, P., Trindade, M., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Dendrochronology and dendroclimatology at four sites in southcentral Labrador. 400 Years of Discovery. 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 20-24, 2008. Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec.
– Phillips, B., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Shifting climate zones and the potential radial growth response of established Acadian forest tree species. 400 Years of Discovery. 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 20-24, 2008. Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec.
– Pickard, F., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Dendroarchaeological dating of a First Nationís canoe, New Brunswick. 400 Years of Discovery. 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 20-24, 2008. Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec.
– Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Dendroarchaeological wood use in historical structures of Maritime Canada. 400 Years of Discovery. 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 20-24, 2008. Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec.
– Trindade, M., Bell, T., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. The occurrence of the divergence problem in eastern North America. 400 Years of Discovery. 2008 Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Geographers. May 20-24, 2008. Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec.
– Pickard, F.D., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Establishing a White Pine Chronology to Date a Historical First Nations Dugout Canoe. Atlantic Provinces Council for the Sciences (APICS) – Environmental Studies Conference. March 6-8, 2008, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish NS.
– McQuaid, M., Robichaud,A., and Laroque C.P., 2008. Prince Edward Island radial-growth chronologies. Atlantic Provinces Council for the Sciences (APICS) – Environmental Studies Conference. March 6-8, 2008, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish NS.
– díEntremont, N., Robichaud, A., and Laroque C.P., 2008. The oldest recorded tree in Nova Scotia. Atlantic Provinces Council for the Sciences (APICS) – Environmental Studies Conference. March 6-8, 2008, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish NS.
– MacDonald, H., and Laroque C.P., 2008. Trees, X-ray Fluorescence and the Environment of Sydney Tar Ponds. Atlantic Provinces Council for the Sciences (APICS) – Environmental Studies Conference. March 6-8, 2008, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish NS.
– Nishimura, P., and Laroque C.P., 2008. Tree Ring Analysis in Western Labrador. Atlantic Provinces Council for the Sciences (APICS) – Environmental Studies Conference. March 6-8, 2008, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish NS.
– Phillips, B., and Laroque C.P., 2008. Future Radial Growth Forecasting of Acadian Forest Trees. Atlantic Provinces Council for the Sciences (APICS) – Environmental Studies Conference. March 6-8, 2008, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish NS.
– Coulthard, B.L., Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J., 2008. Black spruce (Picea mariana) as an indicator species of the effects of forestry on treed bogs, southwest Nova Scotia. 50th Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Western Geographers. March 6-8, 2008. Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, USA.
– Hart, S.J., Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J., 2008. A dendroecological assessment of tree island growth trends and patterns in the Cavell Meadows, Jasper National Park, Canadian Rocky Mountains. 50th Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Western Geographers. March 6-8, 2008. Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington, USA.
– Laroque, C.P., Dumeresq, D.D.,and Bell, T., 2008. Radial growth of trees from northeastern to southeastern Labrador. Atlantic Geoscience Society 34th Colloquium and Annual General Meeting, February 1-2, 2008. Holiday Inn Harbourview Hotel, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada.
– Mariana, T., Bell, T., Laroque, C.P., Jacobs, J., and Hermanutz, L., 2008. Dendroclimatic response of alpine treeline species in Central Labrador: a multi-species perspective. Atlantic Geoscience Society 34th Colloquium and Annual General Meeting, February 1-2, 2008. Holiday Inn Harbourview Hotel, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada.
– Nishimura, P., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Dendrochronological analysis of four conifers in Western Labrador. Atlantic Geoscience Society 34th Colloquium and Annual General Meeting, February 1-2, 2008. Holiday Inn Harbourview Hotel, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada.
– Phillips, B., and Laroque, C.P., 2008. Expanding on radial growth forecasting: future responses of tree species of the Acadian forest to climate change. Atlantic Geoscience Society 34th Colloquium and Annual General Meeting, February 1-2, 2008. Holiday Inn Harbourview Hotel, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Canada.
– Laroque, C.P ., Jameison, R., and OíNeill, N. A Reconstruction of the Annual Moisture Regime in Jasper, Alberta. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– McQuaid, M., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Five radial-growth chronologies for Prince Edward Island trees. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– Campbell, L.J., McQuaid, M., and Laroque, C.P . Uncovering Cedar Secrets: A Comparison Study of three Maritime Sites. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– Nishimura, P., and Laroque, C.P. Dendrochronological analysis of Balsam Fir in Central Labrador. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– Trindade, M., Bell T., and Laroque C.P. Sensitivity of Labrador trees to local and regional climate. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– Robichaud A., Laroque, Colin P .,and Ehrman, J.M. Development of a digital SEM micrograph database on conifer tree species of the Maritimes. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– díEntremont, N., and Laroque, C.P. North or South? Finding the Oldest Tree in Nova Scotia. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– MacDonald, H., and Laroque, C.P. Using X-Ray Fluorescence to Detect a Chemical Signature From Trees in the Sydney Tar Pond Area. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– Phillips, B., and Laroque, C.P. Forecasting Radial Growth Response of Acadian Forest Trees to Anticipated Climate Warming Scenarios. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– Dumeresq, D., Laroque, C.P. , and Bell, T. Comparing Ring-width Chronologies from Eastern Labrador Coast. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, NB. October 2007.
– Phillips, B., and Laroque, C.P. Developing One Hundred Year Radial Growth Forecasts for Acadian Forest Tree Species. Acadian Forest Science Conference, Fredericton NB. October 2007.
– MacDonald, H., and Laroque, C.P. Dendroanalysis of the Sydney Tar Ponds Site. Mount Allison University Science Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, New Brunswick. September 2007.
– McQuaid, M., and Laroque, C.P. Creating an old-growth chronology for trees of Prince Edward Island. Mount Allison University Science Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, New Brunswick. September 2007.
– díEntremont, N., and Laroque, C.P. Old-Growth Forest Exploration in Northern Nova Scotia. Mount Allison University Science Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, New Brunswick. September 2007.
– Pickard, F.D., and Laroque, C.P. Dendroarchaeological Dating of a Dugout Canoe. Mount Allison University Science Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, New Brunswick. September 2007.
– Laroque, C.P., and Hart, S.J. Connecting sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic to Nova Scotia tree rings. Annual meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, Saskatoon, SK. May-June 2007.
– Richard, M., Laroque, C.P., Herman, T., Bondrup-Nielsen, S. Climate Change Impacts Linked to Nova Scotia Blanding’s Turtle Growth. The Science and Management of Protected Areas Association Conference, May 21 – 26, 2007, Acadia University, Wolfville NS.
– Coulthard, B., and Laroque, C.P. Effects of forestry on the radial growth trends of treed bogs in southwestern Nova Scotia. Annual meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, Moncton, NB. February 2007.
– Hart, S.J., and Laroque, C.P. Investigating vegetation changes in alpine environments in Jasper National Park. Annual meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, Moncton, NB. February 2007.
– OíNeill, N., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Southwestern Nova Scotiaís hidden old-growth forests: Extending tree-ring chronologies through historic churches. Annual meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, Moncton, NB. February 2007.
– Phillips, B., and Laroque, C.P. Radial-growth forecasts of five conifers in southeastern New Brunswick. Annual meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, Moncton, NB. February 2007.
– Robichaud, A., Phillips, B., and Laroque, C.P. The geology of a building: The multiple layers of the Sinclair Inn, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. Annual meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, Moncton, NB. February 2007.
– Richard, M., Herman, T., Laroque, C.P. Growth ring analysis of immature Blanding’s turtles in Nova Scotia with correlation to climate and tree rings. Northeastern Biological Graduate Student Conference, February 23-25 2007, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS.
– Laroque, C.P., and Dillon, M. Dendrochronological investigations of historical log cabins in Jasper National Park: An evaluation of the “Descogine Pipeline Cabin.” Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS. October 2006.
– Coulthard, B., and Laroque, C.P. Radial growth trends of treed bog forests in southwestern Nova Scotia. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS. October 2006.
– Hart, S.J., and Laroque, C.P. Gauging tree island growth patterns in the Canadian Rockies. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS. October 2006.
– OíNeill, N., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Historic radial-growth conditions of old-growth forests inferred from church beams of southwestern Nova Scotia. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS. October 2006.
– Phillips, B., and Laroque, C.P. Growth response of trees to future climates in southeastern New Brunswick. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS. October 2006.
– Reardon, C., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Dendrochronological applications to wetland restoration: A study of larch and black spruce growth in a bog environment. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS. October 2006.
– Hart, S.J., and Laroque, C.P . Extending tree-ring chronologies in southwest Nova Scotia through old-growth forest sampling. Annual meeting, Atlantic Centre for Global Change and Ecosystem Research (ACGCER), Wolfville, NS. September 2006.
– OíNeill, N., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P . Extending tree-ring chronologies in southwest Nova Scotia through dendroarcheological methods. Annual meeting, Atlantic Centre for Global Change and Ecosystem Research (ACGCER), Wolfville, NS. September 2006.
– Coulthard, B., and Laroque, C.P. Protecting treed bogs in southwestern Nova Scotia. Mount Allison University Science Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, New Brunswick. September 2006.
– Hart, S.J., and Laroque, C.P. Addressing alpine ecotone shifts in Jasper National Park. Mount Allison University Science Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, NB. September 2006.
– OíNeill, N., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Extending tree-ring chronologies in southwestern Nova Scotia through historic structures. Mount Allison University Science Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, NB. September 2006.
– Laroque, C.P., Campbell, L.J., and Phillips, B.E. 2006. North Atlantic Oscillation impacts on spruce from Atlantic Canada. Cultural Diversity, Environmental Variability. 7th International Conference on Dendrochronology. June 11-17, 2006 Beijing, China.
– Leighton, M., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Dendroarchaeological investigation of Acadian buildings from the Village Historique Acadien. Cultural Diversity, Environmental Variability. 7th International Conference on Dendrochronology. June 11-17, 2006 Beijing, China.
– Campbell, L.J., and Laroque, C.P. Chronology development from decayed tree-ring samples in Atlantic Canada. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Geoscience Society. February 3-4, 2006. Greenwich, Nova Scotia.
– Laroque, C.P. Climate reconstructions from five conifer species in southwestern Nova Scotia. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Geoscience Society. February 3-4, 2006. Greenwich, Nova Scotia.
– Phillips, B., and Laroque, C.P. Historical and dendrochronological assessment of the Bay of Fundy forests for dendroclimatological modeling, New Brunswick. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Geoscience Society. February 3-4, 2006. Greenwich, Nova Scotia.
– Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. A study of buried forests from two bogs in northern New Brunswick. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Geosciences Society. February 3-4, 2006. Greenwich, Nova Scotia.
– Robichaud, C., and Laroque, C.P. Future treeline migration based on past radial tree growth, Jasper National Park, Alberta. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Geoscience Society. February 3-4, 2006. Greenwich, Nova Scotia.
– Selig, N., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Tree-ring chronology development from house structures in Dorchester, New Brunswick. Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Geoscience Society. February 3-4, 2006. Greenwich, Nova Scotia.
– Campbell, L.J., and Laroque, C.P. A parallel study of decay rates of two old-growth forests in Atlantic Canada. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, St. Johnís, Newfoundland and Labrador. October 2005.
– Laroque, C.P. The dendroclimatological potential of five conifer species from southwestern Nova Scotia. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, St. Johnís, Newfoundland and Labrador. October 2005.
– Phillips, B.E., and Laroque, C.P. Dendroclimatological analysis in the Upper Bay of Fundy region. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, St. Johnís, Newfoundland and Labrador. October 2005.
– Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Logs from bogs: A paleoecological survey of trees from two buried forests on the Acadian Peninsula, New Brunswick. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, St. Johnís, Newfoundland and Labrador. October 2005.
– Robichaud, C.B., and Laroque, C.P. An analysis of wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) growth rings. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, St. Johnís, Newfoundland and Labrador. October 2005.
– Selig, N.E., and Laroque, C.P. Dendroarchaeological investigations in Dorchester, New Brunswick. Annual meeting, Atlantic Division Canadian Association of Geographers, St. Johnís, Newfoundland and Labrador. October 2005.
– Selig, N.E., and Laroque, C.P. Dendrochronology of southwestern Nova Scotia. ACGCER Student Conference, Wolfville, Nova Scotia. September 2005.
– Campbell, L.J., and Laroque, C.P. A comparison of old-growth forest decay rates in Atlantic Canada. Mount Allison Student Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, New Brunswick. September 2005.
– Leighton, M., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Dans les forÍts díAcadie: Dendroarchaeological investigation of Acadian buildings from the Village Historique Acadien. Mount Allison Student Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, New Brunswick. September 2005.
– Phillips, B.E., and Laroque, C.P. Comparative analysis between lowland and highland forests in the Fundy region. Mount Allison Student Undergraduate Research Fair, Sackville, New Brunswick. September 2005.
– Campbell, L.J., and Laroque, C.P. Dendroecological analysis of coarse woody debris in pine marten habitat of western Newfoundland. Invited speaker at the Western Newfoundland Model Forest Headquarters, Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador. June 2005.
– Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Two dendroecological case studies of dating buried wood in New Brunswick. Annual meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, London, Ontario. May-June 2005.
– Vanthournout, Z., and Laroque, C.P. Exploration of wind effects on coastal tree-ring morphology in Atlantic Canada. Annual meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, London, Ontario. May-June 2005.
– Selig, N.E., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Dendroarchaeological investigations in New Brunswick. Annual meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, London, Ontario. May-June 2005.
– Campbell, L.J., and Laroque, C.P. Dendroecological analysis of endangered Newfoundland pine marten habitat. Annual meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, London, Ontario. May-June 2005.
– Robichaud, C.B., and Laroque, C.P. Treeline migration and evolution in Maligne Pass, Jasper National Park. Annual meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, London, Ontario. May-June 2005.
– Richard, M.G., Herman, T.B., Bondrup-Nielsen, S., and Laroque, C.P. Lord of the growth rings: A fellowship between Blandingís turtles and old trees in southwestern Nova Scotia. Annual meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, London, Ontario. May-June 2005.
– Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. Dendrochronological potential of buried wood in Atlantic Canada. Annual meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, Saint John, New Brunswick. February 2005.
– Selig, N.E., Robichaud, A., and Laroque, C.P. A history mystery: Dendroarchaeological investigations at the Campbell Carriage Factory, Sackville, New Brunswick. Annual meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, Saint John, New Brunswick. February 2005.
– Colford, A., and Laroque, C.P. Comparative dendrochronological analysis of red spruce from central PEI and southwestern NS. Annual meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, Saint John, New Brunswick. February 2005.
– Laroque, C.P. Dendroclimatology in Atlantic Canada: Ringing the past out of trees. Annual meeting, Atlantic Geoscience Society, Saint John, New Brunswick. February 2005.
– Laroque, C.P. Establishing paleoclimatic records for Atlantic Canada using dendrochronological methods. Annual Meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, Moncton, New Brunswick, May 25-29, 2004.
– Brelsford, K.J., Smith, D.J., Laroque, C.P., Mickle, D., and Wallace, R. Tree-ring analysis and contextual explorations of log structures in Jasper, Banff, and Kootenay National Parks, Canada. Association of Washington Geographers, Bellingham, Washington, April 24, 2004.
– Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D. The lore of the tree rings: Multiple species tell more. Annual Meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, Victoria, British Columbia, May 27-31, 2003.
– Brelsford, K., Smith, D.J., Laroque, C.P., and Wallace R. Reading the rings: What can tree-rings reveal about human settlement. Annual Meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, Victoria, British Columbia, May 27-31, 2003.
– Brelsford, K.J., Laroque, C.P., Smith, D.J., and Wallace, R. Tracing a history of Jimmy Simpson through the dendrochronological dating of log structures in the National Parks of the Canadian Rockies. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Prince George, B.C. March 2003.
– Smith, D., Laroque, C.P., Larocque, S., and Lewis, D. Dendrochronological investigations at treeline on the Pacific Coast, Canada. Climate Variability from Treeline Environments: The Assessment of Present, Past and Future Climate Variability in the Americas from Treeline Environments. Third Annual Science Meeting, Oaxaca, Mexico. April 2002.
– Brelsford, K.J., Smith, D.J., Laroque, C.P., and Wallace, R. Dendrochronological dating and heritage evaluation of the Ewan Moberly Metis homestead, Jasper National Park. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Vancouver, B.C. March 2002.
– Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. A 900-year record of Pacific Decadal Oscillations in Pacific North America. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Calgary, Alberta. March 2001.
– Challies, M., Cormier, L., Fric, C., George, L., Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. Bathymetric analysis of Sunwapta Lake. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Calgary, Alberta. March 2001.
– Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. Effects of climate on radial growth of high-elevation coastal conifers, British Columbia, Canada. International Conference on Dendrochronology for the Third Millennium, Mendoza, Argentina. April 2000.
– Bachrach, T., Jakobsen, K., Kinney, J., Laroque, C.P., Nishimura, P., Reyes, A., and Smith, D.J. Dendroglaciological and morphological evidence of active movement of Hilda Rock Glacier, Banff National Park, Canadian Rocky Mountains. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Abbotsford, British Columbia. March 2000.
– Day, C., Elmieh, N., Huisman, L., Larson, C., Wood, C., Smith, D.J., and Laroque, C.P. Neoglaciation at Saskatchewan Glacier, Banff National Park. Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Abbotsford, British Columbia. March 2000.
– Smith, D.J., Gedalof, Z.M.G., Laroque, C.P., and Lewis, D.H. Little Ice Age climates and glacier regimes in coastal British Columbia: evidence from moraines and tree-rings. Joint Meeting of the Canadian Quaternary Association and the Canadian Geomorphology Research Group. Calgary, Alberta. August 1999.
– Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. Applied dendroclimatology: Estimating radial growth trends under changing climates at high-elevational sites on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Annual Meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, Lethbridge, Alberta. June 1999.
– Ferby, T., Smith, D.J., and Laroque, C.P. Dendrochronological study of historical log cabins in Jasper National Park: an appraisal of the ëTangle Creek cabin.’ Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Kelowna, British Columbia. March 1999.
– Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. Understanding ëTree Time’: dendroclimatological baby steps in the Pacific Northwest. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Kelowna, British Columbia. March 1999.
– LeRoy, S., Nelson, T., Carter, R., Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. Calender-dated Little Ice Age advance of the Hilda Glacier terminal moraine complex, Banff National Park, Alberta. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Richmond, British Columbia. March 1998.
– Laroque, C.P., Zhang, Q., Smith, D.J., and Hebda, R. Reconstruction of Little Ice Age climates on Vancouver Island: an index to glaciological responses in the southern Canadian Cordillera? Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Richmond, British Columbia. March 1998.
– Lewis, D.H., Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. Tree invasion and regeneration patterns in endangered Vancouver Island marmot habitat. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Prince George, British Columbia. March 1997.
– Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. A dendrochronological analysis of yellow-cedar from timberline sites on Vancouver Island. Annual Meeting, Canadian Association of Geographers, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. May 1996.
– Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. A millennium-long record of climatic change on Vancouver Island, B.C. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Lethbridge, Alberta. March 1996.
– Smith, D.J., and Laroque, C.P. High-elevation dendroclimatic records from Vancouver Island. Workshop on Climate and Biodiversity in Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. January 1996.
– Smith, D.J., and Laroque, C.P. Dendroclimatic records of climate change over the last millennium at high-elevation sites in Strathcona Provincial Park, Vancouver Island. Annual Meeting, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Kelowna, British Columbia, May-June 1995.
– Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. Establishing a millennium-aged tree species, yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis), for dendroglaciological analysis on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Victoria, British Columbia. March 1995.
– Smith, D.J., and Laroque, C.P. The untold story of Little Ice Age glacial activity on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Victoria, British Columbia. March 1995.
– Smith, D.J., and Laroque, C.P. The growth responses of mountain hemlock and yellow-cedar to changes in climate at high-elevation sites on Vancouver Island. Fifteenth Annual Forest and Tree Related Research Colloquium, Victoria, British Columbia. April 1995.
– Laroque, C.P., and Smith, D.J. Dendroclimatological index of climatic fluctuations in the Forbidden Plateau area, Strathcona Provincial Park, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Annual Meeting, Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Kamloops, British Columbia. March 1994.